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Steak or Chicken Stirfry

  • Product Info

    Welcome to our savory stir-fry haven, where we elevate your taste buds with our delectable Chicken or Steak Stir-Fry. Take your pick between tender, succulent chicken or mouthwatering steak, cooked to perfection and paired with a colorful array of fresh vegetables.

    Savor the vibrant blend of flavors as crisp bell peppers, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, and onions dance together in harmony with our chef's hand-selected spices. Each ingredient is carefully chosen to create a symphony of taste, ensuring your dining experience is nothing short of exceptional.

    Whether you opt for the tender chicken or the flavorful steak, our stir-fry ensures that each bite is a delightful burst of umami goodness. The combination of protein-packed meat and nutrient-rich vegetables guarantees a satisfying and nourishing meal that leaves you feeling energized and fulfilled.

    Description: Stirfry made with steak or chicken, peppers, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, onions and spices

    Nutritional Information

    Calories: 323Total Fat: 18g Cholesterol: 104mg Sodium: 1049mg Carbohydrates: 11g Net Carbohydrates: 7g Fiber: 4g Protein: 22g


    All Items may contain nuts or may have come in contact with nuts.